We guide your child’s first adventures, bring their imagination to life, and share their wonder and joy as the world unfolds around them. Children develop more rapidly during the first 5 years of their lives than at any other time, so we know how important it is to develop an engaging and fun curriculum that will help inspire a lifelong love of learning.
Seeing each child as an individual is central to our approach. By building strong relationships with the children, we can better understand their interests, celebrate their milestones and support their learning outcomes.
Your child will be allocated a key worker who will be their main point of contact and responsible for guiding their learning journey and making observations about their progress, but the whole team works together to help deliver a fun and fulfilling early years’ experience.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework sets out the expected standards for how schools and early years practitioners should support the learning and development of children from birth to the end of the first year of school. Specifying 7 key areas of learning, this forms the basis of our curriculum. Children are assessed against the framework at 2 years old and again when they turn 5.
At Little Cubs Academy, we aim to incorporate the very best, most up-to-date learning practices in our curriculum, so in addition to the EYFS standards we also draw influence from world-class early years educational philosophies including the Italian Reggio Emilia approach, Montessori and the Brunner approach.
We carefully and sensitively incorporate the use of technology in our learning approach, in line with EYFS guidelines. As part of a varied and stimulating range of resources, children use age-appropriate technology to support specific learning and development objectives, ranging from access to pre-programmed toys in the baby room to the use of computers, tablets, and cameras for older children.
In pre-school we offer a school readiness programme which is adapted to each child’s individual needs so they can feel confident and excited about their next step. Children practice their writing skills, start to learn about phonics, and are encouraged to learn how to master new skills independently, like putting on their coats and tying their own shoelaces.